We’ve joined the Real Changemakers.
Because it’s time to go beyond baby steps.
We believe that world’s challenges require leaps of transformation.
That’s why we’re honoured to have been awarded the Butterfly Mark by Positive Luxury.
The Butterfly Mark is only ever awarded to the luxury brands meeting higher and higher standards for people and nature.
To earn it, we had to undergo a comprehensive assessment which is built on the foundation of international agreements, global frameworks and standards, and even potential upcoming legislation. The expansive assessment covers all areas of sustainability including our impact on climate, nature and water, how we treat workers and communities as well as how responsibly and ethically we run our business.
To pass the assessment, we had to score a minimum of 50% in each of the three areas. All of this means Butterfly Mark Certification is hard to attain. But we’re not stopping here. We are committed to continually improving our performance so every two years, we will re-certify to an even higher standard than last time.
Explore how we scored. The Connected Butterfly Mark shows you exactly how we scored in the Butterfly Mark Assessment. We invite you to take a closer look at how we performed on things like our impact on climate, nature and water, how we treat our workers and communities, and how responsibly and ethically we run our business. You’ll see what we’re good at, what we’re getting better at, and where we need to improve.
We’re sharing all of this with you – our successes and our flaws – because we believe that we have a responsibility to be as open and honest as possible with our community. We want to enable you to make the most informed decisions about the products and brands you choose.